Event on Toolbar


how can I distinguish which element was clicked? In my case “mandant” or " month".

You only get the ID from the element back and not which item was clicked?

const header_toolbar = new dhx.Toolbar(null, {
        {type: "title", value: "Please select: " },
        {id:"mandant", type:"selectButton", icon:"dxi dxi-some", items: [{id: 'a'], value: "TEST 1"}, {id: 'b'], value: "TEST 2"}},
        {type: "title", value: "Month: " },
        {id:"month", type:"selectButton", icon:"dxi dxi-some", items: ['01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12'] },
        {type: "navItem", icon: "dxi-plus",  value: "(1) - DATEV Daten laden", count : 0},
        {type: "separator"},
        {type: "navItem", icon: "dxi-folder-open", value: "(2) - Daten an PSIPenta"}


header_toolbar.events.on("Click", function (id, e) {

  ** which item was pressed  'mandant' or 'month' ?? **


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