Event onBeforeChange of input not working

Let change the value of the input, in all other elements if it works.

event triggers successfully before change confirmation. Try to blur out of input by TAB or clicking out of the input after inputting a new value.


But it’s wrong, have you tried the example I passed?
In the input field, I modify the entire field and when clicking outside is when it is called, in dhtmlx5, before modifying any field, it already called that event and did not allow writing to it.

See also the other elements, the select does not allow modification, neither does the dataPicker, nor does the combo, only the input can be modified and it should not be like that.

We have the PRO version purchased.

thank you.

My apologies for misunderstanding.
You’re right. I confirm the problem. We’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.
I’ll inform you here about any progress on this issue.

We fixed your reported problem in the latest dhx.Suite update (v8.1.8)
You can check it in your original snippet.
Please, download the latest available dhx.Suite build to get this fix.
Thank you for your report.
Best regards.

Hello, thanks for correcting it.
There is a problem, in the customer area, we have contracted the enterprise version, when I click on “dhtmlxSuite 8.1.8, released on 2023-08-08” it downloads the “CHART”, the link points wrong.

Thank you.

I apologize for this issue.
Thank you for your report.
We’ve fixed the packages, could you recheck, please,

Ok, thank you very much, it works correctly.