Event position and height of cell

Hi there,
Is it possible that the first event to be shown a little bit down? Now is on the same row with the day and this one is hidden. If I try change z-index the tooltip doesn’t work…

Also I tried scheduler.config.month_day_min_height = 300; to make the cell bigger but doesn’t do anything.

Thank you.

Any ideas please?

I use scheduler_7.2.1.

Hello @Adrian_Purcaru,

I tried to reproduce the described issue in latest scheduler version, but event bars renders below month cell header, here is a demo:

It’s hard to provide any supposes without more details on your config, as issue may be caused by various issues(from custom styles to custom code or some specific scheduler config)

Could you please reproduce the issue in the demo above(open the demo => reproduce the issue => click the “save” button => send me the new link)?

Kind regards,

Thank you.

Here is the demo: DHTMLX Snippet Tool
I don’t know why but here looks good, the event is below the day line :expressionless:

Hello @Adrian_Purcaru,

As it looks correctly with your config, likely the issue is connected with some custom CSS styles, so you can add your styles to the demo(bottom part of the page), or you can check styles on your end, and try to remove/comment all custom styles - if it will fix the issue, you will be able to find the exact style that causes rendering issue.

Kind regards,

Thank you.

I removed everything from my page and nothing change.
