Event view with Timeline view

I have created a timeline view for my scheduler.
In this view i have these parameters :

scheduler.createTimelineView({ section_autoheight: true, name: "timeline", x_unit: "day", x_date: "%D %d %M", x_step: 1, x_size: 7, x_start: 0, x_length: 1, y_unit: sections, y_property: "id_salarie", render:"bar" });

Is it possible to :

  • always have a Monday on first day of view ?
  • all events occupies all the width of the day and if there is multiples events on one day, they appear the one below the other ?


scheduler.date.timeline_start = scheduler.date.week_start;

You will need to edit original source code for that.

Kind regards,

ok but how can i do that ?


The uncompressed source code can be found /sources/ext/ext_matrix.js
Check the _getX function which return start and end position of event during rendering.

Kind regards,