Events do not show up in calendar

The events do not show up in the calendar. The events do show up in the Events administration. If I add an event through the calendar it show up but then it is not saved (logged in as Admin). What can be the problem?

I am using WP 3.1.3. I have to use the compatibility mode of Internet Explorer 9 to be able to use the Settings screen.

Hi. Does it works in another browsers?
Does any error occur?

Hi. In Mozilla Firefox the calendar does not react at all. Only an empty popup is shown in MF. I have sent you the link to the page in a PM.

Issue in your calendar is caused by cross-domain problem.
Are you using the last plugin version? The last version should process this problem correctly.

I am using version 2.3.1 and WP 1.3.1. I just reinstalled the plugin through WP admin, still no luck.

Try to open file wp-content/plugins/event-calendar-scheduler/codebase/dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php and comment code like here:

	public function schedulerInit($usertype, $locale, $url, $loader_url) {
//		$url = $this->replaceHostInURL($url);
//		$loader_url = $this->replaceHostInURL($loader_url);
		$settings = $this->settings;

Thank you, this did solve the issue. Is it normal that in the week view not the entire column width if a day is used for the event?

A suggestion for a future feature: it would be nice if categories and colors for catagories could be assigned through the admin pages. Now I have to start altering the code if I understand the documentation right.

Could you provide screenshot/
By the way, you have ability to create categories (including event colors etc in admin panel tab Cursom fields).