Hello guys
I still have the Problem above. I’m loading data from 3 data Sources:
The first dataset loads well but in the second and third are randomly missing events. I changed table ids so there are no collision with the IDs.
if($_GET['id'] == "1") {
$scheduler = new SchedulerConnector($db,"MySQLi");'
if($_GET['id'] == "2") {
$scheduler = new SchedulerConnector($db,"MySQLi");
$scheduler->render_sql("SELECT CONCAT(YEAR(CURDATE()),'-',LPAD(MONTH(benu_bday),2,'0'),'-',LPAD(DAY(benu_bday),2,'0'),' 00:00:00') AS termin_start,CONCAT(YEAR(CURDATE() + INTERVAL 1 DAY),'-',LPAD(MONTH(benu_bday + INTERVAL 1 DAY),2,'0'),'-',LPAD(DAY(benu_bday + INTERVAL 1 DAY),2,'0'),' 00:00:00') AS termin_end, '' AS termin_text, benu_id AS termin_user, '9' AS termin_typ FROM benutzer WHERE benu_bday <> '0000-00-00' AND benu_shop = '".$_SESSION["user_shop"]."'", "benu_id", "termin_start, termin_end, termin_text, termin_user, termin_typ");
if($_GET['id'] == "3") {
$scheduler = new SchedulerConnector($db,"MySQLi");
$scheduler->render_sql("SELECT CONCAT(stamm_kaufdatum,' 00:00:00') AS termin_start,CONCAT(stamm_kaufdatum + INTERVAL 1 DAY,' 00:00:00') AS termin_end, stamm_objekt AS termin_text, '1' AS termin_user, '1' AS termin_typ, stamm_intern AS termin_intern, stamm_objekt AS termin_objekt FROM stammdaten WHERE stamm_shop = '".$_SESSION["user_shop"]."'", "stamm_id", "termin_start, termin_end, termin_text, termin_user, termin_typ, termin_intern, termin_objekt");
id=1 -> Events
id=2 -> I would like to load birthdays from User-Table
id=3 -> I would like to load all the finished orders
Would be great if someone can help me with this. Maybe i’m doing something wrong or someone has another and better idea.
Thank you