Events spanning multiple days corrupted in monthly view

Hard to explain, but …

If there an an event that spans multiple days AND there are events on the same day as when the spanning event starts, AND those additional events begin before the spanning event then … when on the monthly view opening the spanning event OR opening one of the event on the same day as when the spanning event begins will move the spanning event to an earlier time, displaying on top of an earlier event (having to open the spanning event or another event depends on what was previously opened, it alternates between the two).

how to reproduce:

  • Open the calendar on the week view

  • Create an event that spans multiple days (I did 13 - 19 January at 11.00 am)

  • Create an event from 07.00 - 08.00 on the same day as the spanned event starts (in this case the 13 Jan)

  • Create an event from 10.00 - 10.30 on the same day as the spanned event starts (in this case the 13 Jan)

  • Switch to the month view

  • Double click the spanned event, you will see that it moves time to the beginning of the day, hiding one of the other earlier event

  • Close the event

  • Double click on of the other earlier events, you will see that it moves time to the beginning of the day, hiding one of the other earlier event

Technical Details:
dhtmlxscheduler.js has a click handler “scheduler._click={ … }” (line 2154).
In this method, it tries to select the event with the id that has been clicked: “” (line 2178)
In this code, it attempts to update the events and appears to get the event ids confused when doing so.


Just wanted to let anyone viewing this know that the issue appears to have been resolved in version 4.2 of DHTMLX Scheduler.