Example html tabbar with page-reload when selecting a tab

Hi Everyone,

I’m just a beginner at this. I only know HTML, ASP Classic with vbscript. Can somebody please

provide with a working solution.

The code i’m using is below. I want the pages file1.asp. file2.asp and file3.asp to be reloaded

when i select the tab. That way i always have the new data from the database.

The code:

Initialization from HTML


possibly you need to use iframes loading mode to load your pages into iframes. In this case the code can be following:

Thanks… i’m going to try that…

When i use the code you provided then i get an error message when i click on a tab…

NEW_URL is not defined…???

NEW_URL is an example, you can place the necessary url:

function doOnSelect(id){
return true