eXcell is not defined - error in Javascript console

Hi people,

I have been asked to migrate an existing software to another domain. Front-end and back-end scripts are the same, but when I try to load one of the main pages I get the following error: eXcell is not defined
This is the screenshot: ibb.co/e0CKGc

Also, foreach cell type specified in setColTypes(), no matter the value I pass to it, I get an alert popup saying “Incorrect cell type: ron”, repeated for each parameter I have passed to setColTypes().
I’m trying to use the “ron” col type in order to have some read-only values.

Could anyone help with this please? I have been trying for hours without getting the job done.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Please, check that all the dhtmlx sources files are attached successfully on your page.
Most probably you have problems with files attaching.