expand/collapse methods aren't defined?


I’d like to implement the possibility to expand the gantt chart to fullscreen, but the corresponding methods don’t work in all scenarios.
To check how this works I checked the samples with the google dev tools and found a strange behaviour:

If I call the methods gantt.expand() or gantt.collapse() in this sample by using the chrome dev console, it works without any problems:
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/samples/0 … creen.html

But if I do the same in this sample, I get the error “gantt.expand is not a function”:
docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/samples/0 … r_day.html

What is the difference of these two projects?


These two samples show how to implement different functionality.
If you use expand() and collapse() methods, you also need to add an extension dhtmlxgantt_fullscreen.js to the page for it.