expanded node id

Hi there

        Is it possible to find expanded row node id, I want user to view or expand only one child node at a time and want to catch its row id, Below code works to view only one child node, but not able to catch right row id, I have a table where there are images that user click to open another window, when he does that I am loosing right row id that is expanded.

Var NodeID


        if (mode == -1 ) //open

        NodeID = node;


     return true;



NodeID = node;

        return true;




Why do you using two different events to store ID in the same var?
The node in onOpenStart event - ID of node which will be opened|closed
The node in onRowSelect - ID of node, which was selected, but selection doesn’t mean opening. If you need to catch last opening node, you need to remove onRowSelect event at all. ( or not set NodeID in them at least )

For the first time when i click on the node to open child nodes that time onOpenStart event is not triggered so had to attach onRowSelect event ,


onOpenStart event fire for any node, which was opened by user actions or by openItem call ( it will not fire in case of mass expanding by expandAll )
If issue still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample where it can be reconstructed.

By the way, you can try to use onOpenEnd event, it must fire for any open action as well, and has not any possibility to not fire.