Explanation Timestamp for Repeating exceptions


I have an app where I simply save the XML from the DHTML scheduler and then use this to create events in another app.

I understand that changes or deletions to a repeating event are stored as exceptions and linked by PID. However I don’t understand the “time stamp” stored in the event_length of the exception. How does this relate to the repeating sequence?

Here’s a simple example of my XML:



What does the 1344893400 represent? How can I use this to determine which event in the repeating sequence has been changed?



Please check the following page:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … the_series

Best regards,

Yes I’ve seen that page before.

“Once you have edited an occurrence in the series, the event_length field for this update will store the supposed time stamp of this occurrence (counted off from the start time of the first event occurrence) instead of the event length.”

This still doesn’t tell me what the 1344893400 represents. Is it seconds from the start date? Milliseconds from the start date? Gregorian Date? What?

Thank you for your question and feedback then. We will rephrase this part so it is more understandable.

It’s a timestamp of date when event should have happened if it wasn’t edited. So if occurrence happened at 27 July 2012 15:00 and was moved to 30 July 2012 15:00 then timestamp would reflect first date. It’s a number of seconds from UNIX epoch.

Best regards,