November 1, 2013, 12:36pm
I am new in this product, so I want to know more about this product.
Do you provide export functionality from gantt chart? If is it available then which are the supporting formats, like (pdf,xl,png…) ?
Our current project is using jquery frame work, then is it possible to implement dhtmlxGantt chart to our project?
Currently there is no export functionality ( you can export as xml, or json - but it most probably is not what you want )
We have PDF export in our plans. It will be available in January 2014.
November 4, 2013, 5:06am
Thank you for your reply,
I would like to know one more thing, has any print functionality with this gantt chart?
Can I use this gantt chart with jqurery plug in?
You can print gantt as normal html page
And yes, you can use gantt with jQuery … ation.html
January 4, 2014, 5:15pm
Hello, Stanislav
I am also very interested in export to PDF functionality for Gantt chart. We are in a process of evaluation dhtmlxGantt capabilities and so far the only one thing is missing: export/printing functionality. HTML based printing is not satisfactory for our clients.
Searching the forum I found this thread where you mentioned that export to PDF functionality will be available as of January 2014. Can you provide more detailed timeframe when I can download dhtmlxGantt evaluation version with export to PDF functionality available along with updated documentation.
Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately this feature is not ready yet, we plan to include it in one of next version though.
As for PDF export - are you need PHP/.Net/Java code to place on your own server, or a hosted version will be enough?
Dear Sir,
Please let me know when will the export functionality will be released…
Hi Stanislav,
Do you have any information when you release new version with export functionality?
It will be available till the end of this month. ( March 2014 )
Great news! Thanks for reply S.
Hi Stanislav, do you have any information when you release new version?
The functionality is ready, we will officially release it in next few days.
Hi guys, excited to see this functionality as we are busy testing this tool for a client of ours and they have stated that a PDF export is critical.
Hi Stanislav,
Have you released the export functionality yet? The forum post indicated it would be available in March 2014. Could you let us have an update please.
Check … xport.html
The official release will be in next few days, but functionality already can be used.
Hi Stanislav,
Thanks for the update. I have tried out the demo pages but nothing seems to happen. Clicking any of those links does nothing and if i look at the console i see various objects but never a file download (PDF, PNG etc) dialog.
Is the functionality still being tested or has the demo been taken offline?
Sorry for inconvenience. Previous version has problems in some browsers
Please check the same link again - now it must work for all browsers.
Perfect, thanks, works for me now.
Hi Stanislav,
The PDF export works fine with the sample data array. However, i load my gantt chart from an XML data file which is created server side.
Although the Gantt chart renders perfectly without any error, when i export to PDF, the task labels are blank.
I have attached the 2 screen shots of what i mean.
Could you please assist and help me identify why the text is not showing.
Can you share the js code that was used for grid-part configuration ?
( if you have an online demo - please send me the link by PM )