Greetings, I am just another big fan of
The problem that I’m facing is that when Internet Explorer is used to view and export a grid, it just opens a new window seeking a confirmation about downloading the file.
When I click on ‘download the file’ option, it just opens a new copy of the page that I came from.
So far, Chrome, Safari & Firefox are doing fine with exporting (both excel & pdf).
Your help is my only hope to make it perfect. Thanks a lot.
It is showing the same thing i.e. it opens a new browser tab an confirms if I wish to download the file, after confirmation it is showing the same source page again.
Should I zip the whole thing and send it to you by email?
I just tested the same script in 3 different laptops and 2 Windows servers.
The mysterious thing is 2 laptops, that have identical IE 8 versions & updates
are behaving differently. One of them is showing the file without any notification
while the other one is just opening a new window with same content.
FYI, the windows server 2003 (IE 7)didn’t show the new pdfgenerate.php window at all.
For those of you who received (Not Responding) on your Windows Explorer a few seconds right after reboot I would like to share my past finding on an obviously a major bug in the lastest patch from Microsoft for Windows Vista.
Well, if you have the same problem, here is what you can do …
boot system
right click task bar as soon as system gets up and select Property
On the Notification Area tab, unclick the “Clock”
hit Ok and see if you can log off to save the changes
when you get the system back up rename the timedate.cpl in
%Windows root%\System32 folder to timedate-cpl.bad