Export to CSV?

Dear sirs

As my datalists are really long, i always got problems with exporting to excel. Is there a way to export to a simple “.csv” file as to “.xlsx” ?

If not you maybe have any ideas how i can realize that?

Thank you in advance and best regards

Here you can find a tutorial about serialization the grid to CSV:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … ion_to_csv

Hmm … i have any mistake? If i debug he always dies in ROW: 3

1:  Grid[grid].setSerializationLevel(true, true);
2:  Grid[grid].csv.cell = "\t";
3:  var CSVStr = Grid[grid].serializeToCSV();

I tried the following in XML and works:

1:  Grid[grid].setSerializationLevel(true, true);
2:  var XMLStr = Grid[grid].serialize();


Directly a second question. Is there a way to send something different like a GRID to excel?
Something like:

Grid[grid].setSerializationLevel(true, true);
var XMLStr = Grid[grid].serialize();

I ask because i would like to create a little form where i can select data directly from the database … without loading in a grid.

Here you can find the working example of serialization the grid to CSV:
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … d_csv.html

setSerializationLevel() method allows to cofigure the serialization to XML only. It is not working in case of serialization to CSV

For export to Excel please, have a look at the following tutorial:

I checked the example and i did it the same. I think there’s something blocking … but what?

   $jahr = $_GET['a'];

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function Button_laden(button,tab,grid,wid,form_id,wonr,user) {
   switch (button) {
	  case "csv":   

My excel export is working without problems. My question is if there’s a possibility to select some data directly in the database, put them in a string, array, … whatever …, and send them to excel.

Thank you for your help

Unfortunately your issue with serialization cannot be reconstructed locally.
Please, provide a complete demo or a demo link where it can be reconstructed

Export to Excel is available directly from the database.
But there are some specificities:
grid structure should be configured on the srever-side, also issues may occur with a big mount of data in your grid.

Here is the example of server side code with the function generating an excel:

[code]$res = mysql_connect($mysql_server, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass);
mysql_select_db($mysql_db, $res);

$grid = new GridConnector($res);
$grid->set_config(new GridConfiguration());

$grid->event->attach(“beforeOutput”, “export”);
$fields = “item_nm,item_cd”;
$grid->render_table(“grid50”, “item_id”, $fields);

function export($grid, $out) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($out->__toString());
$pdf = new gridExcelGenerator();