Export to mpp error - predecessors

Hello Tim DHTMLX.
I have issues when I click export to MPP in my project because in the column I implement the predecessors.

I have already tested when commenting the predecessor in column export MPP success but when uncommenting the predecessors and clicking export again I have an error.
how to solve this issue when I wanna keep using predecessors in my project.

thank you, sir.

hello Tim DHTMLX
the issue from this sir.

when I comment on it, exports to MPP are normal.

the editors.predecessors from here.

any suggestion for use editor predecessor?

Hello Septe,
Yes, that issue occurs because of the predecessor inline editor as it has the link to the gantt object.
The dev team will fix that issue in the future, but I cannot give you any ETA.

We have the following workarounds.

Try exporting in the raw mode:

Change the inline editor before exporting the data and revert the changes after the export function:

Connect the api.js file from the beta export server (where the issue is partially fixed):
Here is an example in the snippet:

hello sir.
thank you for the solution, sir. this issue has a done,
I’m validated when I click the button export.