Export to PDF/Excel exports blank sheet

OK, I got my previous issue resolved by installing the updated beta version of Spreadsheet that allows apostrophes and quotation marks.

Everything was looking perfect, so I installed the export modules grid-excel.php and grid-pdf.php. I followed the instructions, and the modules work by opening a PDF or offering an xls sheet to download.

The problem is both sheets are empty, as if they were loading a blank sheet, or the demo sheet or something.

How can I get my saved sheet to be the one that is exported?

By default spreadsheet will use online services for data export

export_pdf_url: 'http://dhtmlxgrid.appspot.com/export/pdf', export_excel_url: 'http://dhtmlxgrid.appspot.com/export/excel',

If you want to use custom export services you need to use advanced initialization
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … ialization
and provide custom urls in spreadsheet configuration

dhx_sh = new dhtmlxSpreadSheet({ export_pdf_url: 'http://mysite.com/export.php',