Export to .pdf: problems with time scale

Hello everybody,
first of alla excuse for my English.
When I export to .pdf, I have the time scale (X-Axis) which starts from December, not January, to December. It should start from January-2016 to December-2016.
I write below the code I’m using:

gantt.config.scale_unit = “month”;
gantt.config.step = 1;
gantt.config.date_scale = “%F”;
gantt.config.start_date = new Date(2016, 00, 01);
gantt.config.end_date = new Date(2016, 11, 31);
gantt.config.date_grid = “%d/%m/%Y”;

how can I resolve it?
Thanks in advance.


You can set required start and end dates to exportToPDF method to solve this issue: