Export to PDF without showing the Calendar

Is there a way to export to pdf without displaying the calendar ?

What i would like to do is have some filters (search (date from -> to) then i make my query and fill a table or generate an xml and calendar get downloaded as pdf .

‘pdf’ extension inspects nodes from DOM tree in order to calculate relative positions of elements. There is no built in way to export calendar without rendering it on the page.
It’s only possible if you manage to manually generate a XML, like one that is sent to the server by pdf extension, from an array of event-objects.

It would be too hard to generate the xml , since most variables are calculated it look something like this :

                        [code][x] => 0.4366812227074236
                        [y] => 300
                        [width] => 96.81659388646288
                        [height] => 200[/code]