Export TreeGrid to CSV

I use gridExcel and gridPdf to export my treegrid and it works perfectly.

Is there a way to export treegrid to CSV format ? “outType” of “gridExcelGenerator” can be changed to CSV ?

Thank you !

Are you using PHP, Java or .Net version of export ?

In case of php, you can try to change in generate.php

$excel = new gridExcelGenerator();

like next

require_once 'gridCSVGenerator.php'; $excel = new gridHTMLGenerator();

also, you may need to change the result file name extension in gridCSVGenerator.php, as by default the result file will have xls extension.

Thank you for the answer.

I actually use PHP.

I’m sorry but i parsed all my code in library “dxhtml” and found nothing about “gridCSVGenerator” neither “gridHTMLGenerator”… Can you tell me how to reach these class or file ?

Thank you

Sorry, the online package really doesn’t have extra export handlers.

Please unpack the attached files into the original PHP grid-to-excell package
grid-excel-php.extra.zip (8.49 KB)

Thank you,

it works like a charm ! :smiley: