Exporting data with connector

hi Everybody

i am newbie here… and i am trying to export data to excel/pdf from a grid …

I was reading and seeing the examples… but all i found is using LOADXML… in my case i am using PHP/MySQL and DHX Connector

I was reading also:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … ata_export

but i cant understand the way to create a button that call a function to create the PDF/Excel file…

I wanna have a Input Button or Image button inside my table to call this Function but using the Connector PHP instead of loading a XML file

is there any example to download or see to undertand a lil more?

thank u

On the client side you should add following button:

HI Olga
thank for ur reponse… but the thing is in my generate.php
i have that…


require_once ‘gridExcelGenerator.php’;
require_once ‘gridExcelWrapper.php’;

$debug = false;
$error_handler = set_error_handler(“PDFErrorHandler”);

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$xmlString = stripslashes($_POST[‘grid_xml’]);
} else {
$xmlString = $_POST[‘grid_xml’];

if ($debug == true) {
error_log($xmlString, 3, ‘debug_’.date(“Y_m_d__H_i_s”).’.xml’);

$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlString);
$excel = new gridExcelGenerator();

function PDFErrorHandler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
global $xmlString;
if ($errno < 1024) {
error_log($xmlString, 3, ‘error_report_’.date(“Y_m_d__H_i_s”).’.xml’);


When i call generate.php it assumes that there is a XML file to upload
what is the way to LOAD my table from the DB instead of using a XML file?

You should fetch data from DB, generate appropriate xml and pass it to the grid. To simplify server side operations related DHTMLX components you can use dhtmlxConnector extension. Please find more information here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxC … ndex.shtml