I have a ok button on the fully custom external lightbox. I need to refresh scheduler to fetch the details from database and generate the eventbox on the scheduler. here is my code:
function Appointmentkendow() {
scheduler.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", function (id, ev) {
var obj = scheduler.getActionData(ev);
document.getElementById('hStartTime').value = obj.date;
scheduler.attachEvent("onClick", function (id, ev) {
var a = scheduler.getEvent(id).text;
scheduler.showLightbox(id, a);
scheduler.showLightbox = function (id,appid) {
var a = scheduler.getEvent(id);
var dialog = $("#Appwindow").data("kendoWindow");
scheduler.startLightbox(id, null);
this is the okbutton:
[code]$("#btnApptOk").bind(“click”, function () {