External drag & drop on an existing event


I’m using the version 2.3 of the library. I’m encountering some issues using the external drag & drop feature in units views. I’ve noticed that the “onExternalDragIn” event isn’t fired when the drop occurs on an existing event (but the function “scheduler._on_dbl_click” is called). Thus, the lightbox opens up in a editing context for the targeted event. I don’t know if that behavior is normal but I would need instead a new event to be created and the lightbox to show up.

Thanks for any help. Please let me know if I’m not clear enough.



Thank you for this report.
Please try again using attached file, does it solve this issue?

Best regards,
dhtmlxscheduler_outerdrag.zip (636 Bytes)


No, using the new file doesn’t fix the issue. Moreover, the lightbox isn’t displayed if I drop an item on the title bar of an event.
Please let me know if you need further information.

Best regards,


Please make sure you’ve cleared cache.

Locally it works: on units view I try to dnd text from dhtmlxTree to scheduler and drop it on existing event -> Lightbox for new event is displayed.

Best regards,