External HTML reference in Tabbar views

HI, this is a very naive question, but i’m starting with frontend development, JS, the DXH suite, etc.

From the documentation I get that I can define a tab using the views properties and there is the html propertie to sets html content for a tab:

views: [
        tab: "Home",
        html: "some html here"

My question is: Is there a way to reference an outside html file to set the content of the tab? Something like:

views: [
        tab: "Home",
        html: _reference to html file here_

From version 5.x documentation i can see there where attachHTML functions that i do not see now with the 6.x API .

I’m asking this because I need to attach a DHTMLX form to one of the tabs and i find not very elegant to convert all the form code to a one line string.

I really appreciate your help I’m here to learn. Thank you!

For attaching the external html-file to the tabbar cell you may try to use the iframe or the similar solution.

views: [
        tab: "Home",
        html: "<iframe src='my_page.html'></iframe>"

Thank you! This is what I needed.