"Extra" data with SchedulerConnector

I’m trying to use the dhtmlxConnector to populate my Scheduler. I have significant amounts of ‘extra’ data that I want to load. <I’ve already addressed the display of the data by using a static xml file. Time to go dynamic!!>

I added the “comma separated list of extra fields” and am using render_sql to populate the table with the data. But the SchedulerConnector is only sending the four mandatory fields (id, start_date, end_date, and text).

$SchedulerConn->render_sql($query,"eventid","timebegin,timeend,title",'sponsorid, wholedayevent, categoryid, description, location, price, contact_name, contact_phone, contact_email, url, reminder');
Am I doing something wrong? Has the ‘extra’ data option been disabled in SchedulerConnector? <If so, how do I ‘re-enable’ it?>

Thank you,
Rob Morin

Change code as

$SchedulerConn->render_sql($query,"eventid","timebegin,timeend,title,sponsorid, wholedayevent, categoryid, description, location, price, contact_name, contact_phone, contact_email, url, reminder");

The last parameter or render command is fields which extracted from DB, but NOT sent to the server side ( available only for server side operations )

THANK YOU!! :smiley: