We are using DhtmlxGantt V6.3.3. When migrated to this version from V5.x, we are facing issue with resize event on window being not triggered at all. Please find the below analysis on the issue:
When gant._reinit method gets triggered, It inturn calls addResizeListener(gantt); method to attach resize event on window.
In the new version, We saw that this method is trying to create a iframe with class name ‘gantt_container_resize_watcher’ and is trying to attach the resize event on this iframe window instead of the window where we are rendering our gantt.
We are not sure about why this iframe gets added to the bottom of our gantt and why it is expected to listen resize event on this iframe window instead of other.
Expected result:
Gantt has to re-render on window resize.
Actual result:
A small iframe is visible on bottom of the gantt on resizing the window.
Hello Harsha,
The resize watcher iframe is added to resize Gantt when the container size changes.
A small iframe is visible on bottom of the gantt on resizing the window.
Gantt is not re-rendering.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t reproduce the issues. Probably, it is related to Gantt or HTML configuration, but it is hard to suggest what might be wrong as I don’t see your code.
Please, reproduce the issue in the snippet, then click on the “Share” button and send me the link: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/38ee1b370
Or send me an HTML file with all the necessary Javascript and CSS files.
Hello Aldo,
As I couldn’t reproduce the issue locally and I don’t see your code, it is hard to suggest what might be wrong.
You can reproduce the issue in the snippet and send it to me: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/5/38ee1b370
Or you can send a ready demo with all the necessary files.
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