I load data in scheduler by DB loading.
Now one field is readonly. This field isn’t displayed in the editor but I would that in scheduler it must be display (for example at the bottom of the rectangle relative to his event). When I click editname button I don’t see this field inside the text field editor.
Is it possible to do this?
Many Thanks
Sure, you can add it to the list of fields on server side, and adjust rendering template on the client side. ( by default field will not be editable, same as necessary in your case )
Ok thanks but when added a new event I do a ajax call to my server to save the new event.How can I do to render again the event to show the new field?
it will force repainting of related event
Beware that it will not reload event’s data from the server, just repaints it
scheduler.getEvent(id).some_prop = value;
value - must be taken from your custom ajax call
In the month view I can see only the text not the readonly field.Is it possible to see also the readonly field?
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … om_styling
return event.text+" "+event.some_property;