File Explorer

Was thinking of integrating File Explorer into my site.

Is it possible to do this:

  1. Allow certain users based on permissions stored in a mySql to do only certain things.
    Example… allow users logged into my CMS site with ‘Admin’ status only to delete. Others can only view/add files.

  2. My content management system is for patients. Each patient has a patient info page that shows their name, address, info, treatment, etc. I’d like to have each patient to have their own online folder… when a logged in user goes to the patient’s info page, I’d like to have a file explorer specific to just that patient show up.

So each patient has their own personal folder and files related to them, so they are separate from others.

Is that possible? A lot of coding, I’d imagine?


The existing solution is fully client side it contains a very small server side logic, just for demo purposes. So you can reuse client side, but all above functionality will need to be implemented from the scratch in server side’s code.

Thank you.

I have another question.

I uploaded your sample files manager to my server and adjusted config.php file to show a directory.

The directory shows but no menu option works: create new folder, sorting… I enabled them by editing the FileExplorerMenu XML file. But nothing works. The menu and toolbar are displayed but nothing happens when I select their options.

Also, when I click on an image file, no preview is shown.
