Fill a field from dhtmlxwindow to its parent dhtmlxwindow


I’ve a html page (A.html) who create a dhtmlxwindow (id=‘win_main’) with attachURL (B.html).

In the html (B.html) I’ve a form :


another dhtmlxwindow (id=‘win_sub’) with attachURL (C.html).

The question is :

How can I replace value ‘nothing’ by ‘something’ from the last html page (C.html) ?

Thanks for your answer

If both windows are children of main window (A.html)

Thanks for your answer.

First window is child of main page (A.html)
Second window is child of the first window (B.html)

>>First window is child of main page (A.html)
>>Second window is child of the first window (B.html)

In such case you can use direct approach
( from C.html , parent will point to B.html )

Thanks for your help, have a nice day :slight_smile: