Filter when cell content is Combo does not work


(professional version 3.5)
I’m using a header with filters

In the grid I have ColTypes with combo

The combos are loaded with

var locationCombo = psmcGrid.getColumnCombo(3); locationCombo.loadXML("psmc_mmt/psmc_locationlist.php"); var aqeCombo = psmcGrid.getColumnCombo(4); aqeCombo.loadXML("user_admin/psmc_compuserlist.php");
When the user applies the filter the result is an empty grid for the filter in column 3 and 4. If I remove the combo and replace it by “ro” the result is normal.

Can you help?


Unfortunately the issue cannot be reconstructed locally.
What version of dhtmlxGrid do you have? If it’s less than 3.0 we recommend you to update it.
If issue still occurs - please, provide a complete demo where the issue can be reconstructed.
Here you can find a tutorial: … leted_demo


I got the issue:
The filter is selecting according to the values of the combo, not to the text.
So I set the value of the combos to the text.

But is there another option?


The filters work with the value of the cell only and not with the label.
The select_filter works well with “combo” cells in dhtmlxGrid 3.5. Please, try to update the version of your dhtmlxGrid. If issue still occurs for you - please, provide a complete demo where the issue can be reconstructed.