Filtering mode "between" changes values too fast

I am using dhtmlXCombo like this: z.enableFilteringMode(‘between’);

When the user however, selects the proper value from the box, but then continues typing, the whole selected values is changing to options starting with this letter. The same happens when users are typing slow, and when they did not finish typing the selection and on the next letter the whole option changes to correspond as though it starts with this letter.

For example, when I type “Alam” and the correct option appears and is being selected, but then I add letter “b”, the whole selection is changing to words starting with “b”.

It seems that this is unique to the “between” filtering mode, since Combo selects correct values continuosly.

Is there a way to influence this?

Thank you!

Hello Anya,

could provide an example that reproduces the problem? We have not managed to reproduce the problem (please see attached demo) (17.3 KB)

Hello Alexandra! Your demo has saved me - I had the readonly(0) value in addution to what you have - as soon as I’ve removed it, I’ve got what i need - there is no problems any more!

However, I’ve noticed when testing this - if I select a value in a combo, navigate away from it, and then navigate back (by simply clicking on the value) - the input field still has the text value, but the actual input in my code becomes empty, as though the value is lost. Is it possible at all to capture the OnEnter event (when the user navigates to the combo box while tabbing) and open the combo box, or reset the combo option?

Thank you a lot!


Looking at the Demo you’ve sent - is it possible to use the “between” filtering, and also the autocomplete mode? It looks like after I’ve removed the readonly, I’ve lost the autocomplete.

Thank you!