Filtering Of Timeline.

Before run filtering Header of Period in timeline,it’s ok.
example: 1-oct-13 to 31-oct-13

But After run filtering Header of Period in timeline,is changed to enddate:24 always in belows.
example: 1-oct-13 to 24-oct-13

Coding before and after filtering is same coding.

How can I solved this problem?

See in attached file.

#region add units and timeline

            var line = new TimelineView("timeline", "coachid");
            line.X_Unit = TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Day;
            line.X_Date = "%d";
            line.Dy = 20;
            line.Dx = 100;
            line.SectionAutoheight = false;

            var mCoachList =contextData


            var TimeLineEventtmp = new List<TimeLineEvent>();
            int i = 1;
            foreach (var smCoachList in mCoachList)
                var TimeLinetmp = new TimeLineEvent();
                TimeLinetmp.key = smCoachList.CoachID;
                TimeLinetmp.label = smCoachList.Coachname;
                i = i + 1;
            line.RenderMode = TimelineView.RenderModes.Bar;

                        if (piCoachID != null && piCoachID != "")
                            scheduler.Views[4].Filter.Rules.Add(new DHTMLX.Scheduler.Controls.Rule("coachid", Operator.GreaterOrEqual, piCoachID));

We can’t reconstruct the same issue locally. The data in scheduler must not affect the scale settings in any way. Can you please save the html page generated for the scheduler in the problematic case and post it here ( or send directly to the )

I fixed already.
var line = new TimelineView(“timeline”, “coachid”);
line.X_Unit = TimelineView.XScaleUnits.Day;
line.X_Date = “%d”;
line.Dy = 20;
line.Dx = 100;
line.X_Size = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(year_Start, month_Start);
line.SectionAutoheight = false;

use method line.X_Size