Find and replace with SmartRenedering


I am using pro version of grid v1.6. I am trying to implement a find and replace function. For example. I have a coilumn called Types and this lists various “Types”. I have another part of the page where these Types can be edited, added and renamed. What I want to do is when a Type is remaned for the function to loop through the grid and replace the old name of the type with the new. I also have SmartRenedring switched on so I think using the forEachRow ablity would not work as it would force all the rows to be parsed? I can’t see any other way of doing this?

Is this possible?

Also I have a select_filter on this column, how would I force that to also update to reflect the change. I am tryng to avoid reloading the grid.

Many thanks

Scott Bailey

Is this possible?
var data = grid.findCell(“old_value”,index);
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
var id = data[i][0];
var index = data[i][1];


>>I force that to also update to reflect the change


Thats fantastic works great. Is it possible to also edit the drop down in the background? These cells are coro and when cliked on the user gets a drop down of the types. so the XML behind it is like this.

BMW 523i
Mega Trailer
Rolltop Tipper
S and B
T and T

So in the same loop as above can I changes these drop down options?

Scott Bailey


Please check … _selectbox

There is no single API call for such task but can be done similar to next

var combo = grid.getCombo(“index”);
var index = combo.values._dhx_find(“old value”); // _dhx_find can be replaced with common loop search
combo.values[index]=“new value”;

Such code will affect editor only, already selected data in rows, will not be changed