Find "Tasks" sql file used in the examples dhtmlxConnector

I’m learning, please, let me know where I can find the sql file for database “Tasks”, named in many tutorials available on the site in the area DHTMLX Docs & Samples Explorer? I have already integrated dhtmlxGrid with data in xml file successfully but I would like to integrate it with data loaded from the database, using the DHTMLX component connector. Thanks for the help.

Dump of all tables must be included in dhtmlxsuite, anyway - you can use the attached dump (7.97 KB)

Ok, fantastic! thank you very much! :stuck_out_tongue:
J have downloaded your zip file and contains the just " tasks" table I was looking for… Previously, I had found only dump.sql in DhtmlxSuite package and dump.sql creates only “pakages_plain” and “packages_small” tables, then from the link … ep_by_step
I downloaded a zip file of the same name (, 176 kb) containing the sql file to create a single table, “products”. Now j can start the examples, By

I’m sorry but only after loading the batch sql, I discovered that the generated table does not seem to be the right one for some examples in area DHTMLX Docs & Samples Explorer.
The SampleDB received creates the table of tasks (see picture attached) in which there are tasks.What’s the right Database to try the examples named “tasks”, as shown in connect: $ res = mysql_connect (“localhost”, “root”, “”);
mysql_select_db (“tasks”);?

Links to examples: … d_stucture … ctor_usage … erver-side

thank you very much for the help,by

Sorry for inconvenience
Requested files are attached (40.6 KB) (887 Bytes) (1.03 KB)

no problem, thank you very much, I download sql files and I start work. Meanwhile, I continued to experiment and tried to integrate the Scheduler in joomla 2.5 site on Altervista, but using the extension DHTMLX Scheduler extension v.3.0 for Joomla 2.5
( … RpbWUnIjt9
or … for-Joomla! )

This integration has been worked.
However, I have yet to try to integrate some components, for example the grid and the scheduler in a BPM software. I have already integrated into the BPM software DHTMLX Grid with xml data and it is ok, now I have to try the integration of Grid and Scheduler with DHTMLX connector to the database. 'll Update you on developments or problems.By