Flash contents inside a tab

I dynamically create chart contents for fusionchart and insert into a div which is inside a tab. Following is the code generated using Ajax call. When I inspect the element inside the tab, I can see the Flash contents. But I do not see the chart.

The same code works well if I create the chart outside tab.

Is there anything I should do to show the flash contents inside tab?

<embed id=“embed_tab10_pie1” height=“200” width=“300” flashvars=“chartWidth=300&chartHeight=200&debugMode=0&DOMId=embed_tab10_pie1&

registerWithJS=0&scaleMode=noScale&lang=EN&dataXML=<graph caption=‘Pie Chart’ nameTBDistance=‘20’ decimalPrecision=‘0’ showPercentageValues=‘0’

showNames=‘1’ numberPrefix=’$’ showValues=‘1’ showPercentageInLabel=‘0’ pieYScale=‘45’ pieBorderAlpha=‘100’ animation=‘1’ shadowXShift=‘4’

shadowYShift=‘4’ shadowAlpha=‘40’ pieFillAlpha=‘95’ pieBorderColor=‘FFFFFF’>

<set value=‘23’ name=‘Item C’ color=‘8BBA00’

link=‘JavaScript:disp(%22Item C-23%22);’ isSliced=‘1’ />


allowscriptaccess=“always” quality=“high” name=“embed_tab10_pie1” src=”/gbmims/Charts/FCF_Pie2D.swf" type=“application/x-shockwave-flash”/>

There is a known issue with some kind of flash components, to workaround it,adding next command may be helpful


I saw this solution in your knowledgebase. Not sure where do I use this.? Do I put this command as init parameter where I define my tab or just I add this command in my javascript before I call  flash object or after calling flash?

Any help is appreciated (Any example code will be helpful)

Just add this line after tabbar initialization
var tb = new dhtmlXTabBar(…

In case of init from HTML markup

<div class=‘dhtmlxTabBar’ enableForceHiding=‘true’ …

I have a top level Tab like this

<div id=“a0_tabbar” class=“dhtmlxTabBar” tabstyle=“modern”     tabheight=“25”     imgpath=“/ccb/js/dhtmlxTabbar/codebase/imgs/”          
    style=“width: 100%; height: 600px; overflow-x:hidden;” mode=“top”     offset=“8”     margin=-1      
    oninit=“a0_tabbar.setTabActive(‘a1_tabbar’,true);”    >

This tab contents is another tab like the following where I added your suggestion

<div id=“a2_tabbar” class=“dhtmlxTabBar” tabstyle=“modern”     tabheight=“25”     imgpath=“/ccb/js/dhtmlxTabbar/codebase/imgs/”          
    style=“width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow-x:hidden;” mode=“top”     offset=“8”     margin=-1      enableForceHiding=‘true’
    oninit=“”    name=‘Mid Market Dashboard’ >

Following is the DIV which contains the Flash charts below the Grid

                <td  nowrap>
                <td align=center style=‘width:6em;cursor:pointer;’   >



<div id=‘tab10_pie1’  style=‘width:300px;height:200px;’> <div id=‘tab10_pie2’  style=‘width:300px;height:200px;’>

Still I do not see fusion charts in Firefox
I can see the fusion charts in IE
I can add this embed html in Printview and there also I can see the chart

There is something in Firefox and DHX Tabs combination that does not allow the chart to show up

Please try to add enableForceHiding=‘true’ to the top-level tabbar as well.

>>There is something in Firefox and DHX Tabs combination that does not allow the chart to show up
Problem caused by using flash content inside container with visibility:hidden style ( which used by tabbar, for hidden tabs ), such combination prevent correct flash initialization in case of FF

I do not see even the Grid which is supposed to be above charts. The whole content is blank now