Can I move the focus of the month calendar view to a defined date?
When I have a lot of events in a week(perhas 30 events at 2.5.2016), the height of the week row is heigher than the screen view(tablets).
When the users changes the date focus with the mini-calendar, the calender focus is not moved to show the selected date(24.5.2016). The user has to scroll down to the requestet date.
It would be nice, if the focus is changed after mini-cal an can the changed with a js-function.
The format on your Week View is cool. How did you style the Hour and the Minutes in terms of font-size?
Here is how I did it. If there is a more “built-in” way to simply, please share…thanks:
// reformat time scale on left side of calendar on "Day View" and "Week View" scheduler.templates.hour_scale = function( time ){ var formatFunc = '%g %A' ); var formatted = formatFunc( time ); var splitted = formatted.split( ' ' ); return '<span style="font-size:2em">' + splitted[0] + '</span> ' + splitted[1]; };
scheduler.templates.hour_scale = function(date){
var min = date.getMinutes();
min = min < 10 ? "0"+min : min;
var html = "<span class='dhx_scale_h'>"+ date.getHours() +"</span>"+
"<span class='dhx_scale_m'> "+ min +"</span>";
return html;
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