If I have this code:
{ view: 'form',id:'myform',
data: [
{ type: 'text', name: 'edtUPC', label: 'UPC', value: '', position: 'label-left', inputWidth: '200', labelWidth: 100, align: 'left', labelAlign: 'center', id: 'edtUPC'},
{ type: 'form_button', name: 'btnSearch', value: 'Search', align: 'left', width: 150, id: 'btnSearch', sameLine: true },
{ type: 'label', label: 'Nome do produto procurado', align: 'center', popup: '', click: '', id: 'productname'}
], height: 100
how to do something like this:
$$('myform').('edtUPC').focus(); I need to focus the field....