Footer grid from xml


I load grid from xml file. In the last row I’ve total values, but I want that row be a footer.

How can I do this?


This is my xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> Ciudad Total venta Clientes Total promedio venta MEDELLIN000BELLO000ENVIGADO000ITAGUI000BOGOTA000SOACHA000CALI132 817 987447129 707JAMUNDI4 152 01114728 245YUMBO4 091 57218322 358 Totales141 061 57080 310 … n_from_xml

just use attachFooter instead of attachHeader ( pro version is required )

I need to do this from xml file, not from javascript code.

is it possible?


PD. We have pro version.

Actually, the above links points to sample which attach headers from XML

I see the sample.
I understand.

Thanks for your help.

I’m trying to use grid method from xml, but this not work.
My grid don’t load data.

What library do I need ?
Do you have any idea what is the problem?

Thank you.

example file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

Ciudad Total venta Clientes Total promedio ventatestN,testT,testN,testTMEDELLIN000BELLO000ENVIGADO000ITAGUI000BOGOTA000SOACHA000CALI132 817 987447129 707JAMUNDI4 152 01114728 245YUMBO4 091 57218322 358Totales141 061 57080 310

The same sample works locally - be sure that you are using pro version of grid ( standard doesn’t support attachFooter command )

That’s right.
I’ve updated last version Pro.

Works Fine.

Thank you.