Footer in XML?


normally we transport the datas with JSON and the footer will be created like this:

var SAVEBTN  = "<button type='button' id='save_btn'><img border='0' width='14' height='14' src='{path to images}'></button>";
var DELBTN = "<button type='button' id='delete_btn'><img border='0' width='14' height='14' src='{path to images}'></button>";

mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('mygrid_container');
mygrid.enableAutoHeight(true, this.getWindowHeight()-20, true);

Now we want to transport the datas with XML but after loading datas like

mygrid.load("{load xml}");

the footer will be deleted.

So at first i tried this

mygrid.load("{load xml}", initFooter);

function initFooter()

but the position of footer is everywhere and not under the grid.

So i tried it in XML like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<column type=...>Test</column>
<column type=...>Test 2</column>
<call command="attachFooter">

In param line i tried

“<input type=‘button’ name=’…>Save”

but nothing worked.
Q: How can i send it in XML

Kind regards, Carsten

BTW: I looked here … index.html

Solved with CDATA

If you are attaching footer after grid loading, it has sense to call


after that, to normalize size and position of footer.