I am having interest in your products. Those are really lightweight components. Thanks for it.
I have some idea in dhtmxEditor and dhtmxCalendar. All products are full-fledged except the Editor and calendar.
Because I use all the dhtmlx products except Editor and calendar. because my requirements are higher than your implemetaion.
My Ideas are
In Editor
1. Better you implement more formatting features. ( I was include Font, Back and Fore Color, Insert image, table but I expect from genious)
2. Spell Check without any installation ( I was implemented the Spellcheck using google webservice)
3. Skins ( We expect more skins)
In Calendar
1. Better you give option to include time of different timezones. (Time zones are important in MNCs).
These are my ideas only you may be implement.
Thank you
thank you for the remarks.
Yes, the editor doesn’t provide some formatting feature. Possibly they will be added. But currently they aren’t planned. The next release won’t provide them.
New skin “dhx_skyblue” is already available for all dhtmlx components in 2.5 beta version.
Regarding the calendar… Did you mean timepicker of the dhtmlxCalendar ? How do you see the timezone functionality here ?