Hi Stanislav, thanks for your reply.
It’s one form that is attached to multiple window instances - so the same form with different content can be opened and edited in many windows if required, for example ‘copy and paste content’ from one form into another.
Is there a way of creating a unique dataProcessor object for each form/window instance dynamically?
Here’s a code sample that is triggered when a user clicks ‘Edit data source’ from a context menu:
[code]var app = app || {}; //namespace for editor application
app.attach_edit_template_sql_data_source_form = function (iNodeID, strTemplateName){
//create a unique window
app.data_source_window = app.main_window.createWindow("w" + iNodeID, 10, 10, 300, 190);
app.data_source_window.setText(strTemplateName + ": ");
app.edit_template_sql_data_source_form = app.data_source_window.attachForm(
[ //defines form controls
{type: "block", list:[
{type: "fieldset", name: "mydata", label: "Table Data Source", width:400, list:[
{type: "combo", name:"data_connection_id", label: "Connection Name", connector: "./resources/data/dataConnectionsCombo.php", position:"label-left", labelWidth: 100, inputWidth: 240},
{type: "input", name:"alias", label: "Alias", position:"label-left", labelWidth: 100, inputWidth: 120},
{type: "input", name:"date_added", label: "Date Added", position:"label-left", labelWidth: 125, inputWidth: 273, hidden: true},
{type: "input", name:"date_modified", label: "Date Modified", position:"label-left", labelWidth: 125, inputWidth: 273, hidden: true},
{type: "input", name:"active", label: "Active", value: "Y", position:"label-left", labelWidth: 125, inputWidth: 273, hidden: true},
{type: "input", name:"deleted", label: "Deleted", value: "N", position:"label-left", labelWidth: 125, inputWidth: 273, hidden: true},
{type: "button", name:"save_data_source", offsetTop:10,offsetLeft:100, value:"Submit"}
var iTemplateID = app.template_tree.getUserData(app.template_tree.getSelectedItemId(),'template_id');
var iNodeID = app.template_tree.getUserData(app.template_tree.getSelectedItemId(),'node_id');
var iRootNodeID = app.template_tree.getUserData(app.template_tree.getSelectedItemId(),'root_node_id');
var iObjectID = app.template_tree.getUserData(app.template_tree.getSelectedItemId(),'object_id');
//Initialise the dataprocesser and pass through some parameters required for building the record
var dp = new dataProcessor('./resources/data/templateSQLDataSourceDataProcessor.php?id='+iObjectID+'&templateID='+iTemplateID+'&nodeID='+iNodeID);
dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function(id, action, tid, response){
//Get the form data
var iDataSourceID = app.template_tree.getUserData(app.template_tree.getSelectedItemId(),'object_id');
//create event handler to save data on button click
app.edit_template_sql_data_source_form.save();//no params needed.It uses url that you passed to dataprocessor
I can see I am using just one instance of the data processor, but cannot work out how to create an instance dynamically so there is no duplication of the instance name… which would then allow saving in each form/window.
Also would the form need to labelled uniquely too?
Any advice, code example or a work around would be helpful.
Many thanks.