Form API Documentation

I was looking in the documentation for a proof of concept app in which your Form control seems to be a good choice.

We need to change the options of a select control dynamically depending on several variables like: other control values, user permissions, and so on.

For that, we found the “reloadOptions” method as the perfect solution, but we also found that we was reading version 5.1 documentation ( and we plan to use version 6.0. ( but that API documentation is way smaller and doesn’t have the “reloadOptions” method.

Do version 6 have the “reloadOptions” method and all those methods in 5.1 version?

Best Regards

Unfortunately currently the dhxForm API does not allow to reload the options list of the select dynamically.
The only solution is to use the form.setConfig(new_config) method to rebuild all the form structure.

We’re planning to add the possibility of the dynamic form data/config updating in the future releases.