Dhtmlx has a Visual Designer which has a form builder component.
Using the form “Design” editor, you can drag and drop form elements onto a canvas. You can change name, labels, default values and all sorts of things.
Once you like the form’s appearance you can push a button which gives you the javascript to create the form.
You then feed the javascript code into your dhtmlx project and you have a form which renders the same in all browsers.
I just build dhtmlx project in which I needed a page with 10 tabs. Each tab has a form. I used the Visual Editor to create the 10 forms (there are more than 800 form elements–mostly checkboxes). All in all, it went very smoothly. I did need to employ a few tricks to get around a few limitations.
As dhtmlx is modular it is possible to create form using the Visual Editor and then embed the form into any html page as long as you are using the dhtmlx form library.
My goal is to let front end users to create their forms online, just like the mentionned scripts allow to do so the visual builder is not helpful there.
Visual designer is for developers (and not very user friendly) contrary to the mentionned forms builders which are for end users. The question was : Can dhtmlx can be helpful for a developer to create a form builder app like the one mentionned ?
That is an interesting question. …building a form developer app… hmmm…
It would need to be custom developed. It is possible to do. What it would amount to is a elaborate front end which produces code (a code generator). The dhtmlx forms are represented in javascript as structures inside of an array. And then a way to plug in the generated code into a working html page.
Out of the box dhtmlx provides the tools to build such functionality. It would be an interesting project.
I am saying that using the dthmlx tools it would be possible to build such as ui. Dhtmlx does have a consulting department and they can be hired to design and develop applications. You could contact their sales department if interested in such an engorgement.
I am just an end user and have used the dhtmlx framework to enhance the our web project and was trying to lend insight on how the tools work.
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