Form does not run in IE8


my application does not init because of a fault in dhtmlxForm V3 beta. This happens in IE8 but not in Firefox. In Firefox the application runs ok. I use Windows 7.
The application also doesnt init in IE6.

The debugger message is:
Line 204: ‘type’ is null or not an object.
if (data[q].type == “settings”) for (var a in data[q]) this.i[a] = data[q][a];
If I remove this line the message appears also in lines 79 and 209.

It seems that IE8 does not accept an undefined property.

Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue locally. Please provide us any kind of sample or a demo link so we can reproduce an error.

I am also getting this error.

if I use the Javascript debugger at the point where it lists the data[q] it says that the data.length is one larger than the actual number of elements, so when it’s trying to cycle through the elements it’s always getting a null value on the last one

this only happens in ie8 for me. It’s fine in firefox and in chrome

here is how I’m loading my form:

var Form1_data = [
{type: “block”, list:[
{type: “label”, label: “”},
{type: “newcolumn”},
{type: “fieldset”, name: “parms1”, width: 290, label: “Users”, list:[
{type: “settings”, position:“label-right”},
{type: “radio”, name: “select1”, focus: “1”, value: “all”, label: “View All Users”, checked: “true”},
{type: “radio”, name: “select1”, value: “specific”, label: “View Specific Users”, list:[
{type: “block”, list:[
{type: “settings”, position:“label-left”, maxLength: 3, inputWidth: 30, validate: “ValidInteger”},
{type: “input”, name: “badge”, label: “Badge Num”},

				{type: "fieldset",  name: "parms2", width: 290, label: "Options", list:[
					{type: "settings", position:"label-right"},
				{type: "checkbox", name: "rms", label: "RMS Work",checked: "true"},
				{type: "checkbox", name: "cpicq", label: "CPIC Queries",checked: "true"},
				{type: "checkbox", name: "cpica", label: "CPIC Adds",checked: "true"},
				{type: "checkbox", name: "cpicm", label: "CPIC Mods",checked: "true"},
				{type: "checkbox", name: "cpicr", label: "CPIC Removes",checked: "true"},
				{type: "newcolumn"},
				{type: "label", label: "Search Dates"},
			    {type: "calendar", dateFormat: "%m/%d/%Y", name: "startdate", label: "Start Date", readonly: true, options:{
				    yearsRange: [2007, 2099],
				    isMonthEditable: true,
				    isYearEditable: true,
				    enableTime: true
			    {type: "calendar", dateFormat: "%m/%d/%Y", name: "enddate", label: "End Date ", readonly: true, options:{
				    yearsRange: [2007, 2099],
				    isMonthEditable: true,
				    isYearEditable: true,
				    enableTime: true
			{type: "button", value: "New Results", command: "submit_request"}

myForm = myLayout.cells(“a”).attachForm();

IE is sensitive for “,”… you can’t place it at last place in list… remove them!!

thanks, That fixed it right up. that’s what I get for using someone elses pre-made form :slight_smile: