I’ve been trying for a few days to do the following. I’m using your Contact Manager tutorial as a base and I’ve been reading your documentation.
I want to add a combobox or select item to the form in the layout.
Client side:
var formPersonsData = [
{type: "select", name: "ingress", label: "Ingreso", bind: "ingressData", connector: "ingress.php"},
{type: "button", name: "btn", value: "Submit"}
formPersons = layout.cells("a").attachForm(formPersonsData);
Server side:
// db connect info
$list = new OptionsConnector($res,"MySQL");
$list->render_sql("SELECT idingress as value, ingressDate as label FROM ingress","","idingress(value),ingressDate(label)");
All I get is a blank alert.
I also tried the following server side code:
$options = new SelectOptionsConnector($res);
$options->render_sql("SELECT idingress as value, ingressDate as label FROM ingress","","idingress(value),ingressDate(label)");
And I get “Fatal error: Class ‘SelectOptionsConnector’ not found in ingress.php on line 4”.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.