Form with side by side fields

I’m customizing my form, and I wonder if it’s possible to put the fields side by side.
Today my form is per line and I need an example:

I would like to leave the form this way:

My current configuration in JS is:

return [ //{type: "settings", position: "label-left", labelAlign: "right", labelWidth: "AUTO", inputWidth: 200, offsetTop: 1}, {type: "settings", position: "label-top", offsetTop: 1}, {type:"block", label: this.settings.subtitleWindow, list:[ {type:"input", name:"C46_DESCRICAO", label:"<?= Yii::t("app", "DESCRICAO") ?>", inputWidth: 289,}, {type:"select",options:statusAtivo, name:"C46_ATIVO", label:"<?= Yii::t("app", "ATIVO") ?>", inputWidth: 289,}, {type: "button", name:"search", value: "Filtrar", className: "buttom-window-right"} ]} ];

Sure, just add a column markers between inputs

{type:"input", name:"C46_DESCRICAO", label:"<?= Yii::t("app", "DESCRICAO") ?>", inputWidth: 289,}, { type:"newcolumn" }, {type:"select",options:statusAtivo, name:"C46_ATIVO", label:"<?= Yii::t("app", "ATIVO") ?>", inputWidth: 289,}, { type:"newcolumn" }, {type: "button", name:"search", value: "Filtrar", className: "buttom-window-right"}