Format Attribute not Consistent in XML

I’m getting different results using the format attribute in an XML file that is loaded in a dhtmlxgrid. I have three columns, the first is just a description, the second is a unit count, the third is total revenue. The unit count column formats the numbers and totals just fine. The total revenue column totals fine, but does not format the values with commas like I have int he format mask. I have version 2.5, build 91111. I’m also including my web page and XML document. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My web page :

<%–<%@ Page Language=“C#” AutoEventWireup=“true” CodeFile=“Default.aspx.cs” Inherits="_Default" %>


My xml documents :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> Product Family,Units,MRR Total,{#stat_total},{#stat_total} &nbsp PreSold #cspan BIA 207 3898.13 Legacy WAN 0 0.00 MPLS 3429 1430320.69 NVPN 17 1461.60 VAS 83 0.00 Wholesale 0 0.00

I found one thing I didn’t expect, the problem seems to be related to the size of the value. The format can’t be above 1,000,000. I change the third cell of row id=3 from 1430320.69 to 430320.69, and the number is now formatted correctly in the detail cell as well as the total. If anyone could provide some insight, I would be very thankful.

Ok, now I’m sufficiently confused, but I got it working. The problem was not in the size of the data value, but the format attribute value. format=“000,000.00” works, format=“000,000,000.00” does not. Using format=“000,000.00” for a value of 1430320.69 will render the the correct value of 1,430,320.69, and, totals are fine in the correct format, at least it did for me. Still would like to know why that is, I would be expecing the format mask to have the number of characters as the formatted maximum value of the data. However, as I said, it’s working for me now.

The mask defines how the number will be formatted, basically it is the string of zeros with two separators:

. - defines where the decimal point will be placed;
, - defines where the group separator will be placed.

So mask which you pass to the “format” attribute should has no more than one comma and no more than one point.