Formatting a MultiSelect in the Lightbox

I have a multiselect working in GANTT Lightbox…BUT it is UGLY. I am using Bootstrap, but I can’t seem to get the Select to format at all in the there any CSS or anything else that can help make this better…see screenshot attachments of what it is and what I want. Note that I do not want to write my own Lightbox right now…I don’t have spare time to do that…although I probably will in the future since the current lightbox is so needy.

What I get in DHTMLX

What I want…and have OUTSIDE of the DHTMLX Lightbox.

Here is how it is generating in the Lightbox

Posting my own solution…It was my error…the package I was using was supposed to autoinitialize the selectors with the selectpicker class…it wasn’t I initialized it in code then all is good!!!