frozen column


I am using splitAt functionality in our grid.

I want to freeze to left columns.

When I tried , I am able to see only header and attach header rows with default skin.

The left part of grid is not visible.also body rows and cols are not visible.

on console I an getting this error has no properties“px”;

what is the possible defect in code?


In which moment splitAt command was called.
The command need to be executed after grid structure initialized but before data loaded.
In case of initialization from js code splitAt command must be called after grid.init but before grid.loadXML command.


This what my code is


I just debug through js file . I found following data for pa field
pa                       "\n

nodeType                 3
nodeName               "#text"
localName                null
prefix                        null
namespaceURI          null
nodeValue                 "\n

Is it helpful for you to find the problem?
Plz help me out.
If  it takes too much time to find solution/bug ,Can I  fabricate  the code for now?how?


Unfortunately problem still can’t be reconstructed.
If problem still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample where it can be reconstructed ( you can send it directly to )