full desciption of setSerializationLevel


Where can I find full description of setSerializationLevel parameters?

Is i t possible to serialise grid header/footer with this function?

setSerializationLevel(userData, fullXML, config, changedAttr, onlyChanged, asCDATA):

# userData - enable/disable user data serialization
# fullXML - enable/disable full XML serialization (selection state)
# config - serialize grid configuration
# changedAttr - include changed attribute
# onlyChanged - include only Changed rows in result XML
# asCDATA - output cell values as CDATA sections (prevent invalid XML)

List of all availible API methods you can find here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … grid_api_a

>>Is i t possible to serialise grid header/footer with this function:

To serialize grid’s header you should use 3rd parameter of this function as true (serialize grid configuration). But extra lines of header and footer (created through attachHeader and attachFooter) not included in serialization.